Monday, July 25, 2011


Hi all!

OK so it's crunch time....T minus 12 pounds in 4 weeks - yes,that is what I have gained back since my last show and need to drop PRONTO!  3 pounds a is doable!  And to ensure that I am going to meet this goal, I have ordered my new suit and am praying that it makes it on time!  I am super stoked it is absolutely beautiful and I can't wait to get it! 

So, I have my nose to the grind stone, my diet is hardcore and I am hitting the gym (and cardio) hot and trainer (Shelly) gets back from her show on the 8th and we will make the decision then as to me being able to do the Local Okinawa show.....6 pounds two weeks....I CAN DO IT!!  I saw this comic recently and thought how fitting:

How true is it?  it does take weeks to lose the weight and then just a few wrong decisions on what you intake and it all comes back in no time....that is why this really is a lifelong change that you have to make.  You have to decide what is healthy looking for you and make sure that you stick with off season weight should and will be about 130/132 my show weight 122/125.  I've got my plan and it is in play...I can't wait to see how this all comes about this time around.  I have those same feelings going through me once again nervous, excited....but also a new sense of confidence that I know I can do this...I did it before and I am and will do this again.  I am taking what i learned from the last show and incorporating it into this show....I am going to be a competitor this time around more so than I was last time....And I will take with me the new lessons from this show as I continue to grow in this new exciting hobby of mine and will flourish - I can feel, I can see it and I am going to live it!  Are you living your dream?  I sure hope so! 

Today's quote of the post:
DON'T QUIT! Every difficulty is an opportunity in disguise - unknown

DO IT!!!  don't let it get the better of get the better of it! 


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